January 24, 2022
Chair Sarah Carroll
New York Landmarks Preservation Commission
David N. Dinkins Municipal Building
1 Centre Street, 9th Floor North
New York, NY 10007
Re: 45-47 Second Avenue
Certificate of Appropriateness, LPC-22-03566
Dear Chair Carroll:
Lower East Side Preservation Initiative objects to the size of the proposed roof addition, which calls undue attention to itself in relation to the building’s architectural features and the surrounding streetscape within the East Village / Lower East Side Historic District. At the current size, it is immediately apparent to anyone walking south on Second Avenue, diminishing the experience of the historic architecture on the corner of Second Avenue and East 3rd Street. In addition to reducing its bulk, the addition should be placed significantly further back from all facades. The back of the addition is particularly looming as it will be viewed from East 3rd Street and the historic New York Marble Cemetery, directly behind it.
Deborah Wye, Chair
Architectural Design Review Committee
Cc: Richard Moses, Lower East Side Preservation Initiative