October 31, 2022
Sarah Carroll, Chair
NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission
1 Centre Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10007
Re: 580 Broadway – Proposed entryway alterations (LPC-23-03155)
SoHo-Cast Iron Historic District
Dear Chair Carroll:
The Lower East Side Preservation Initiative – LESPI – is not opposed to the referenced application to install a new aluminum entry door and marquee at 580 Broadway, although with some minor qualifications. We believe that the highly commercial character of this historic district should allow for a more expansive interpretation of appropriateness concerning ground floor alterations than other historic districts that are less intensely commercial, providing the alterations are in keeping with the building’s architecture, are reversible, and do not damage significant architectural features.
The proposed Broadway entry door is of a simplified design that recalls other doorways of this period, as well as at the neighboring sister buildings. However, we request that the LPC staff work with the applicant to ensure that the door’s proposed dark bronze finish is appropriate, and that the door pulls are less visually intrusive, and more in keeping with buildings of this age and type.
We find that the marquee, located at what we believe is the service facade of the building, is in keeping with other marquees found at the service entrances of similar buildings within this historic district, and that its elegant, linear design harmonizes with the building’s classical revival architecture.
Thank you.
Richard Moses