275 Canal Street LPC CofA Application: Signage

October 31, 2022

Sarah Carroll, Chair
NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission
1 Centre Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10007

Re: 275 Canal Street – Proposed signage installation (LPC-22-10292)
SoHo-Cast Iron Historic District Extension

Dear Chair Carroll:

The Lower East Side Preservation Initiative – LESPI – is not opposed to the application to install illuminated signage at 275 Canal Street.

The property is located within the traditional boundaries of Manhattan’s Lower East Side. We believe that signage in the Lower East Side has been historically of various, often visually assertive designs, and has been shaped by the many different immigrant groups with their own aesthetic traditions who have opened shops here over the last two centuries. Therefore, although we would ideally prefer that the application follow the Commission’s Rules for signage, particularly concerning the prohibition against internally illuminated signs, as long as the proposed signage does not result in damage to significant architectural features and conforms to zoning and other regulatory requirements, we do not object here.

We do want to raise a concern that the installation of blocking to support the signage be done in such as way as to not damage any significant facade architectural features, based on the presentation materials it is not clear how this installation will be carried out.

Thank you.


Richard Moses