Lespi’s Recent Work

LESPI Petition Drive
Sign Me Up! The Lower East Side Preservation Initiative’s (LESPI) has been getting great public support for our drive to have the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) landmark architecturally and historically important areas of the East Village / Lower East Side. Over the last two months LESPI’s first three petition drives gathered nearly 400 signatures after a few of hours of petitioning!
Landmark these Sites!

LESPI has been a strong advocate for landmarking individual historic buildings as well as historic districts.
In July LESPI testified in person at and wrote a letter of support to Community Board 3 for landmarking the Orthodox Church in America Cathedral at 59 East 2nd Street (see photo). We joined other community and preservation groups seeking protection for this architecturally important East Village building. Steering Committee member Philip Van Aver’s testimony was mentioned in the newspaper East Villager, and we’ve heard that our presence had a great impact at the Board’s meeting.
We’ve also testified and/or sent letters to the LPC to support landmarking many other EV/LES sites, such as 135 Bowery, 101 Avenue A, 326 and 328 East 4th Street, and we supported the Bowery Alliance of Neighbors drive to have the NYC Department of City Planning downzone the Bowery’s east side.
Web Site Update:
Our web designer Onno de Jong of Circular Creation is updating our web site to include LESPI’s cultural data base, a map with cultural information about the East Village that connects to images of the sites. The first map delineates LESPI’s Tompkins Square study area. We expect to have it on line for viewing within the next few weeks. Check it out at www.LESPI-nyc.org.
LESPI was formed in 2007 to urge the LPC to designate as historic districts intact portions of the East Village / Lower East Side. Our strategy includes documenting and mapping the historic streetscapes, starting with the East Village, and rallying community residents, city officials and the LPC to effect landmark designation.
We’re looking for people to help with outreach, people with specialized skills and experience, monetary donations (which are tax deductible as allowed by law), and any other assistance that can help further our mission. We’d very much appreciate your help in our campaign to preserve the East Village / Lower East Side and hope to hear from you in the near future.
Contact us by email at info@lespi-nyc.org or use the form, through our web site lespi-nyc.org, or by mail at LESPI, c/o Neighborhood Preservation Center, 232 East 11th Street, New York, NY 10003.
LESPI now on Facebook

Search “Lower East Side Preservation Initiative” on Facebook and check out our new site! If you click the “Like” button you’ll receive periodic LESPI updates on Facebook on topics like historic buildings in danger of demolition, NYC Landmarks Commission actions affecting the EV/LES, LESPI petition drive dates, etc. You’ll also be showing support for our cause!