July 8, 2024
Sarah Carroll, Chair
Landmarks Preservation Commission
1 Centre Street
New York, NY 10007
Re: LPC-24-09918 Certificate of Appropriateness Application – 48 ½ East 7th Street, Manhattan
Dear Chair Carroll,
As a matter of policy, the Lower East Side Preservation Initiative — LESPI — takes a liberal approach to storefront replacements. LESPI has no objection to the referenced application for a new storefront and ramp construction at 48 ½ East 7th Street, with some recommendations. We believe the proposal to restore or replace brackets and cast-iron pilasters, and to add bulkhead panel moldings, brings the building closer to its historic appearance, and that the ramp, with its size and configuration, does not detract from the building’s architecture.
Despite our approval of these alterations, we feel the proposed storefront cornice would benefit from further articulation by projecting out the portion above the LED cove. This would not compromise the sign band and would be more in keeping with what is visible in the historic photograph. Such a change could also be modeled on similar historic storefront cornices nearby. We also would recommend retaining and refurbishing the current wood entry doors and transom, which are very nicely ornamented and appear to be original to the building. Finally, we believe consideration should be given to painting the red brick around the entry doorway white, in order to visually unify the ground floor.
Thank you.
Deborah Wye
Chair, Architectural Design Committee
CC: Richard Moses, LESPI
Gagandeep Singh, LESPI