April 5, 2023
The Honorable Christopher Marte
New York City Councilmember
65 East Broadway
New York, NY 10002
Via mail and email: District1@council.nyc.gov
Dear Councilmember Marte:
I am writing on behalf of the Lower East Side Preservation Initiative – LESPI – to oppose any cuts to the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission budget for the upcoming fiscal year. In fact, LPC’s budget should be increased to account for rising costs due to inflation.
As one of the smallest city agencies, the LPC has always worked with a bare minimum staff and budget to research and designate new landmarks, and regulate alterations to existing landmarks. These functions are critical to maintaining and protecting our city’s rich and diverse collection of historic buildings, neighborhoods, and scenic areas. Landmarked buildings and districts not only provide important historical information about our city’s and country’s past, but are humanistic urban environments where people love to visit, shop, hang out, and live. As such they serve as great economic engines, attracting New Yorkers and tourists alike.
Without an adequate budget, the designation and regulation of and ultimately popular support for local landmarks will decline. As a result the city and its physical fabric will suffer for years to come.
Thank you for your consideration.
Richard D. Moses

Note: LESPI sent a similar letter to Councilmember Carlina Rivera of District 2