December 11, 2017
Meenakshi Srinivasan, Chair
NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission
1 Centre Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10007
re: Individual Landmark Designation for 206 Bowery and 22 East Broadway
Dear Chair Srinivasan:
The Lower East Side Preservation Initiative – LESPI – is writing to strongly support designation of 206 Bowery and the James R. Whiting House at 22 East Broadway as New York City Individual Landmarks. We applaud LPC’s calendaring of these properties, however we respectfully urge the Commission to designate the buildings without further delay to ensure their protection from demolition.
These buildings are striking and essentially intact examples of the Federal style architecture that dominated the city during its post-Revolutionary War period, when New York was on the verge of the intensive growth that would bring it to prominent status on the world stage. The rare surviving examples of this period – including 206 Bowery and 22 East Broadway – serve to remind and educate New Yorkers of the small scale and simple yet elegant architecture that once dominated Manhattan. 206 Bowery and 22 East Broadway clearly warrant Individual Landmark designation based on both their architectural and historic significance.
Manhattan’s Lower East Side, one of the city’s and country’s most historically important and architecturally diverse neighborhoods, continues to fall prey to developers’ wrecking balls. We believe that unless LPC acts now this heritage will soon disappear forever.
We ask that LPC provides 206 Bowery and 22 East Broadway full landmark protection as soon as possible. Thank you.
Richard D. Moses
cc: Hon. Margaret Chin, NY City Council
Susan Stetzer, Manhattan Community Board 3
Bob Gormley, Manhattan Community Board 2