Vol. 13 No. 3 Summer 2022 |
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| | LESPI and FOTLES have
joined together to propose to the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission
(LPC) a new Oliver Street—Alfred E. Smith Historic District. It’s
astonishing that, presently, no NYC historic districts have been
designated in the Lower East Side below Houston Street, a storied
neighborhood for both the city and nation. We cannot lose our connection
to this community’s unique history, so closely linked to our country’s
story of immigration.
Alfred E. Smith (1873-1944) was a four-term governor of New York, and
the Democratic nominee for President in 1928. He was the first Roman
Catholic candidate to run for a major party. His unlikely rise from
humble beginnings in the old 4th Ward (now roughly between the Manhattan
and Brooklyn Bridges) — where he started out as a laborer at the Fulton
fish market — is legendary. |
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LESPI’s historic district proposal, submitted to the LPC in August,
focuses on a triangular area bordered by Oliver Street, where Smith
spent over 20 years of his life, Madison Street, and St. James Place.
These streets remain much the same as when Smith walked them. His
Federal-era house at 25 Oliver Street sits among a row of similar
3-story buildings from that period. Likewise, Smith’s church, St. James,
built in 1836, as well as his school (now called Transfiguration
School), built in 1868, remain very much intact and recall a vivid past.
Here one
also finds the imposing Mariners Temple and the 17th century First
Shearith Israel Cemetery, both places Smith would have passed by daily.
In addition, residential buildings, from c. 1820-1901, demonstrate the
evolution of housing as waves of immigrants arrived. Our proposed
district both honors a singular figure in the city’s history and
safeguards a remarkably intact built environment, reminding us of
earlier periods and offering a context for our present and future. Photos: Bruce Monroe (upper left); MCNY at upper right. |
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Unfortunately there’s only a slight glimmer of decent news amidst what
is essentially very bad news on the fate of the East River Park’s
historic Track House and Tennis Center Comfort Station. It looks like
neither building will be saved from demolition, as specified under
the City’s plan to demolish the existing park and reconstruct it at
a new grade level (see HERE for more info).
Despite LESPI’s three year-long preservation campaign, which resulted
in the buildings being listed as eligible for the State and National
Register of Historic Places, the Tennis Center was demolished earlier
this month. There’s nothing more to say than this was a tragic,
missed opportunity to restore, renovate and reuse this wonderful
building, faced with limestone and ornamented with beautiful terra cotta
designed with motifs specifically referring to the park’s waterfront
location and its maritime history. As a result of LESPI’s urging, the
Parks Department has salvaged some of the building’s terra cotta
ornament. But the Tennis Center Comfort Station is now gone — a painful
loss for the park and the Lower East Side.
The Tennis Center’s sister building, the Track House, is scheduled for
demolition at a later date, and it appears the City is unwavering in its
commitment to destroy the building. However, LESPI met with the Parks
Department staff on-site in August, and it looks likely that
examples of the facade’s wonderful terra cotta ornament, including the
spandrel plaques with stylized fish, will be salvaged. Future plans
include incorporating terra cotta ornament from both buildings in a
display within the interior of the park’s new Track House, where it can
be regularly viewed and enjoyed by the public. We expect this display to
be accompanied by educational panels describing the park’s history
and its original architecture. We’ll keep you posted as we get more
news from the City. Images:
from upper left: NYC Parks Dept. Archives; Bruce Monroe; Helena
Andreyko; rendering by Merica May Jensen / Davies Toews
Architecture |
| | | | | | “Transformative Architecture: Charles B.J. Snyder and NYC Public Schools” this Wednesday
Join our special illustrated webinar “Transformative Architecture:
Charles B.J. Snyder and NYC Public Schools” this Wednesday September 21.
Snyder’s great-granddaughter Cynthia Skeffington LaValle and Michael
Janoska will discuss newly uncovered documentation on Snyder’s life and
architecture, as laid out in the recently published book, “From
Factories to Palaces: Charles B.J. Snyder and the New York City Public
Snyder, Superintendent of NYC School Buildings from 1891-1922, believed
in schools as transformative civic monuments, providing a positive way
forward for countless immigrant children. His grand school buildings
were a dramatic contrast to the students' often bleak living conditions.
Called “a
forgotten genius,” Snyder designed 408 schools and additions throughout
NYC, with the highest concentration in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Read
more and register for this Zoom event HERE. East Village Book Talk: Celebrated Author Ada Calhoun Discusses Two of Her Books on October 3
Mark your calendars for what promises to be an exciting, in-person,
outdoor event on Monday October 3, from 6:30-8:00 pm in the Courtyard at
122CC, the former Public School 122, designed by noted school
architect, C.B.J. Snyder, and opened in 1895. Ada Calhoun will discuss
her acclaimed “St. Marks is Dead,” a deep dive into the history of one of our favorite New York streets. Calhoun grew up on St. Mark's.
In addition, she’ll talk about her most recent book, “Also a Poet:
Frank O'Hara, My Father, and Me.” Not only an intimate memoir,
this volume gives us a close-up view of O’Hara, a major poet of the
mid-20th century. O'Hara lived at 441 East 9th St, around the
corner from our event venue, from 1959 to 1963, and was a regular
fixture of the downtown New York literary and artistic scenes. Watch for an email invitation to this event, coming soon! Photo (left): Bruce Monroe. |
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LESPI’s "Celebrating and Saving our Neighborhood Culture” panel
discussion, via Zoom last Tuesday, was a deep dive into strategies for,
and challenges and rewards of preserving our city’s rich, perhaps
unequaled multicultural heritage. The impressive roster of panelists included Christopher Marte, New York City Councilmember, Molly Garfinkel of City Lore / Place Matters, Frampton Tolbert of Historic Districts Council, Yin Kong of Think!Chinatown, and Andrew Berman of Village Preservation, with moderators Richard Moses and Laura Sewell of LESPI.
Some take aways? Collaborate with other interested groups to broaden
support for initiatives. Be sure to engage the community. Learn local
history not only from archival sources but from longtime local residents
and business owners. Of course there was a lot more said during this 90 minute program: you can check out the complete recording of the event at LESPI’s YouTube Channel. Photos: Edward Cheng (center) and Richard Moses (right). |
| | Over the summer LESPI led two wonderful tours of the Lower East Side. Saint Mary's Grand In July, LESPI Vice President Carolyn Ratcliffe led a tour of the beautiful St. Mary’s Church on Grand Street, as part of the NY Landmarks Conservancy’s Sacred Sites Program Open
House. Despite the steaming hot day, participants visually feasted on
the beautiful architecture, including the sanctuary and stained glass.
The church was originally constructed in the 1840s, and altered in the
1870s, with significant portions of the original church still extant. As
Carolyn pointed out, “churches, synagogues and other houses of worship
represent part of the culture of the people who made New York City. The
buildings still exist because people care about them and they are an
integral part of the history of the city.” "Attention Armchair Preservationists" LES Tour
Earlier this month, LESPI Board Member and urban historian Barry
Feldman led his "Attention Armchair Preservationists" tour of the
historic Lower East Side, cosponsored by LESPI and LESJC.
Despite on-and-off-again rain showers throughout the tour, participants
enjoyed an on-site review of facade ornamentation terminology, how to
distinguish original facade material from later alterations, how to
judge what the NYC Landmarks Commission would likely deem
landmark-worthy, and much more. The 2 hour-plus tour covered much of
LESPI’s proposed Lower East Side Tenement historic district, providing
us all a very good physical as well as mental work-out! Photos: Catholic New York; Richard Moses. |
| | Giving through AmazonSmile We love small local businesses. But if you happen to shop at Amazon, you can choose AmazonSmile,
which will donate a percentage of each sale to the charity of your
choice - we hope you'll pick Lower East Side Preservation Initiave
(LESPI)! |
| | | Sign LESPI's Petition for a LES Historic District! |
Join the approx. 3,000 people who have signed LESPI's petition for a
new Lower East Side historic district below Delancey Street, in the
blocks around the Tenement Museum. This is one of the city's and
country's most important historic communities, due to its
unique immigration, artistic, cultural and architectural history,
and the formidable role it has played in our city's and nation's
development. The only way to protect the historic Lower East Side
from complete demolition and redevelopment is city landmarking. Sign the petition HERE! |
| | Support
LESPI and look good doing it with a LESPI t-shirt! All proceeds
benefit LESPI's work. Only $25 (including shipping and handling).
Send a check made out to "LESPI/FCNY", and send to LESPI, 93 Third
Avenue, #1223, New York, NY 10003. Available in crew neck only;
indicate which shirt and size (contact us at info@LESPI-nyc.org or
347-827-1846 with questions). Unfortunately we cannot offer returns or exchanges. |
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| LESPI Books Make for Great Reading and Gifts! |
| | | LESPI's books "East Village: Lens on the Lower East Side" and "Chinatown: Lens on the Lower East Side"
are each fascinating histories of their respective historic
communities, accompanied by the work of six boldly contemporary
professional photographers who capture the areas' special streetscapes,
people and spirit. All contributors have ties to the local
community. Both books are available at McNally Jackson on Prince Street, Yu and Me Books on Mulberry Street, Printed Matter/St Marks on St. Marks Place, and Village Works on East 3rd Street. The East Village book is available at The Source on East 9th Street; the Chinatown book is available at Museum of Chinese in America on Centre Street, and Pearl River Mart at Chelsea Market and Broadway in Tribeca. Due to COVID-19 please contact the store to check availability. |
| | You're contribution will help us protect our historic LES buildings and streetscapes! |
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| | Lower East Side Preservation Initiative 93 Fourth Avenue #1223 | New York, New York 10003 347-827-1846 | info@LESPI-nyc.org www.LESPI-nyc.org © 2022 Lower East Side Preservation Initiative |
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