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Will the historic facade of the East Village's Middle Collegiate Church
- damaged after a severe fire that burned the rest of the building to
the ground - be saved and restored, and serve as a frontispiece to a new
church? Or will the facade be demolished to make way for completely new
construction? After two recent NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission
(LPC) Public Hearings, where testimony was heard in support of both
demolition and facade restoration, the LPC is expected to reach a
verdict on the building's fate in early January.
At the hearings, the church architects maintained that, even if the
ultimate intent is to retain the facade, most of the stonework will
need to be demolished at least temporarily. This is because, they
insisted, the condition of the stonework is too precarious for workers
to safely repair in place. Additionally, in order to accommodate the
large construction equipment required to build the new church building
behind the facade, large portions of stone in good condition would need
to be removed to allow access through the facade, since the neighboring
property owner (whose building was completely lost in the fire)
reportedly will not allow access.
LESPI and other preservation organizations testified that, because
Middle Collegiate is one of the most important structures in the East
Village/Lower East Side Historic District, an objective feasibility
study needs to be prepared by an architect/engineer with extensive
historic preservation experience, in order to accurately map out
the options before a final decision on demolition is made. We question
whether the restoration work here is all that different than the
restoration work required on other NYC historic buildings needing
substantial masonry repairs, where standard measures are taken to ensure
safety. We also question whether demolishing a large portion of the
facade is necessary to access the interior of the site, when a NYC law
that allows expedited judicial review in these cases could, at least
theoretically, ensure that construction equipment can access the site
from the neighbor's empty lot to the north.
We at LESPI are very sympathetic to the congregation and the hardships
it has faced. We're very concerned about their claim that they will need
to leave the East Village if the LPC requires facade restoration.
However, we believe that the stakes here are too high to allow
demolition of one of the East Village's most important historic
structures without an objective, highly expert opinion on what the
options really are. And demolishing the church facade is not a guarantee
that the congregation will end up staying in the East Village, no
matter how good the intentions. We'll keep you posted, and in the
meantime you can read LESPI's LPC testimony HERE, and check on this and other CofA hearing schedules HERE. |
| | | LESPI at LPC CofA Hearings |
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When property owners of landmarked properties seek to make changes to
the exteriors of their buildings, the NYC Landmarks Preservation
Commission reviews the proposed changes to make sure that they're
appropriate to the building and, if the building is within a historic
district, to the surrounding district. If the proposed changes are large
scale (such as a new building in a historic district or a large rooftop
addition) or do not follow the LPC Rules, they are heard at a
Certificate of Appropriateness (CofA) Public Hearing, where the
Landmarks Commissioners review the application and vote as to whether or
not the proposal should be approved.
These hearings give the public, including LESPI, the opportunity to
weigh in, either for or against these proposals. LESPI monitors CofA
applications within our Lower East Side catchment area, and provides
testimony during the hearings, sometimes supportive, sometimes not. If
you'd like to read some examples of our past testimonies, which involve
such diverse proposals as rooftop additions, window replacements, and
new signage, you can see them on our website HERE. And you can check on upcoming LPC CofA public hearing schedules HERE. |
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Some very happy news: LESPI's new book, "LES: Lens on the Lower East
Side" is "hot off the presses." This photo journal essay includes a
brief history of the LES below Houston Street and the work of six
outstanding local professional photographers. It joins LESPI's two
previously published "Lens on the Lower East Side" books, on the East
Village and Chinatown (see below). If you'd like to purchase an
"advanced copy" please email us at info@LESPI-nyc.org. We hope you
enjoy it! |
| | | Latest LESPI Webinars Now on YouTube |
| | Kleindeutschland: Little Germany on the Lower East Side
More than a century ago, Kleindeutschland was a large, bustling Lower
East Side German American neighborhood centered on Tompkins Square Park,
in what is now the East Village. Peppered with German American beer
gardens, sport clubs, libraries, shooting clubs, theaters, schools,
churches, and synagogues, the area still retains many markers of this
once lively and productive community.
In November, Richard Haberstroh presented a fascinating webinar for
LESPI on Kleindeutschland. The talk provided an overview of the history
of German immigration into New York City from the 1830s through the end
of the 19th century, and touched upon a variety of social, cultural, and
religious aspects of German-American life in this historically very
important NYC neighborhood. Transformative Architecture: C.B.J. Snyder and NYC Public Schools
Charles B.J. Snyder, Superintendent of NYC School Buildings from
1891-1922, was among the visionaries of the Progressive Era. He believed
in schools as transformative civic monuments, providing a positive way
forward for the countless children who arrived with the massive waves of
immigration at that time. His grand school buildings were a dramatic
contrast to the bleak living conditions these students often
endured. Called “a forgotten genius,” Snyder designed 408 schools
and additions throughout New York City, with the highest concentration
in Manhattan’s Lower East Side.
Snyder great-grandaughter Cynthia Skeffington LaValle and Michael
Janoska presented for LESPI a wonderful virtual tour of Snyder’s
schools, with a focus on those located in the Lower East Side. They
discussed the schools' highly distinguished architectural elements as
well as their educational innovations, as outlined in the late Jean
Harrington's and Cynthia LaValle's book "From Factories for Palaces: Architect Charles B.J. Snyder and the New York City Public Schools." You can now view these webinars, among other LESPI webinars on the historic LES, at your leisure on LESPI's YouTube Channel. |
| | Giving through AmazonSmile We love small local businesses. But if you happen to shop at Amazon, you can choose AmazonSmile,
which will donate a percentage of each sale to the charity of your
choice - we hope you'll pick Lower East Side Preservation Initiave
(LESPI)! |
| | | Sign LESPI's Petition for a LES Historic District! |
Join the approx. 3,000 people who have signed LESPI's petition for a
new Lower East Side historic district below Delancey Street, in the
blocks around the Tenement Museum. This is one of the city's and
country's most important historic communities, due to its
unique immigration, artistic, cultural and architectural history,
and the formidable role it has played in our city's and nation's
development. The only way to protect the historic Lower East Side
from complete demolition and redevelopment is city landmarking. Sign the petition HERE! |
| | Support
LESPI and look good doing it with a LESPI t-shirt! All proceeds
benefit LESPI's work. Only $25 (including shipping and handling).
Send a check made out to "LESPI/FCNY", and send to LESPI, 93 Third
Avenue, #1223, New York, NY 10003. Available in crew neck only;
indicate which shirt and size (contact us at info@LESPI-nyc.org or
347-827-1846 with questions). Unfortunately we cannot offer returns or exchanges. |
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| LESPI Books Make for Great Reading and Gifts! |
| | | | | You're contribution will help us protect our historic LES buildings and streetscapes! |
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| | Lower East Side Preservation Initiative 93 Fourth Avenue #1223 | New York, New York 10003 347-827-1846 | info@LESPI-nyc.org www.LESPI-nyc.org © 2022 Lower East Side Preservation Initiative |
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